Products & Services

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Ageing Oven


Most suitable for Ageing test of PVC and Rubber.
Solid Aluminum heating Block (Circular) to accommodate cylinder cells.
The aluminum cell has a center hole at the bottom which allows to enter pre-heated air from a small diapharm pump, the air changes per hour are same through all the cells.
The Temp. is being controlled by Automatic autotuning type Microprocessor based PID Temp. Controller with Dual Digital Indicator and PT-100 sensor.

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Antibiotic Zone Reader


This is very compact and designed for measuring the diameter of finished zone in petridish, for determining the strength of antibiotic materials.
Ext. GI Powder Coated in REGULAR MODEL
Unit made of SS 316 or SS 304 in GMP MODEL. With Accuracy of 0.1 MM.
This Antibiotic Zone Reader measures the diameter of the inhibited zone within the range of 0 to 80 mm with accuracy of 0.1 mm.
The light from inside source of the base passes up through the transparent and semi transparent of the Agar then to a reflacting mirror situated in an arm above the unit.
The mirror reflects the light to a glass prism mounted at the magnified image of the zone of inhabitions is clearly visible on the prism.

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Autoclave (Single Lever Lock Model)


Fully Automatic Autoclave – most useful to sterilizer Lab glassware, Plastic Tubing, Liquid in sealed glass containers and many more uses.
Fully Argon welded to avoid steam and pressure leak.
Double walled in construction with InnerSS 304 & Outer SS 304 Matt/Buff or mirror finish.
A Special Box Type outer SS 304 body is provided with state of art control panel to avoid direct heated contact with main Jackett and double walled body of autoclave.
A unique single lever lock ensures easy lifting & closure of Autoclave door without leakage of Vacuum & Pressure.
The Temp. is being controlled by Microprocessor based PID Temp. Controller with Dual Digital Indicator and PT – 100 sensor.
The cycle begins with press of a start Switch for fully automatic operation.
Automatic steam and air exhaust at end of cycle.
Specially designed heaters reduces power consumption.
Removable SS wire mesh/rod carrier supported on footed, SS frame in-built.
Water low level Alarm indication and heater cutt off facility.
Lid is equipped with pressure guage range 0 to 20 PSI, safety value, and manual exhaust valve.
Safety valve, Steam release Exhaust Valve, Vacuum breaker – for more safety.

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Autoclave (Fully Automatic) Gmp Model


Fully Automatic Autoclave – most useful to sterilizer Lab Glassware, Plastic Tubing, liquid in sealed glass containers and many more uses.
Fully Argon welded to avoid steam and pressure leak.
Double walled in construction with Inner/SS 304 & Outer SS 304 Matt/Buff or Mirror finish.
The Temp. is being controlled by Microprocessor based PID Temp. Controller with Dual Digital Indicator and Sensor.
The cycle begins with press of a start switch for fully automatic operation.
Automatic steam and air exhaust at end of cycle.
Specially designed heaters reduces power consumption.
Removable SS wiremesh/ rod carrier supported on footed, SS frame in built.
Water low level alarm indication and heater cut off facility.
Lid is equipped with pressure guage range 0 to 20 PSI, safety value, and manual exhaust valve.
Safety valve, Steam release Exhaust Valve, Vacuum breaker – for more safety.

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Automatic Co2 Incubator (Regular Gmp Models)


Ideal for tissue culture and bacteriology.
Most useful for IVF Lab.
Inner SS 316 Water Jacket and Exterior GI finished in Powder Coated Shade.
Thermal conductivity CO2 sensor and PT-100 temperature sensor.
PID Temperature Controller and PID Co2 level Controller easy to read LED Indicates SET and actual temperature and set and actual Co2 level.
Audible and visual alarms warns against exceeding limits of Co2 and temperature.
Controlled door heater eliminates condensation on the Inner glass door.

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Bact. Incubator


Ideal for Sterilization, drying heat treatment and thermal testing.
Triple walled in construction with Inner made of Stainless Steel 304 and Exterior of GI/MS sheet duly finished in powder coated shade.
Inner SS 316 or SS 304 Exterior SS 304 Matt/Buff finish in GMP/CGMP Models.
High quality compressed glasswool insulation between Inner wall and outer wall to prevent heat-loss.
A fully insulated door with sturdy brass SS hinges with spring ball type latch and gasket for perfect sealing.
Automatic Autotuning Microprocessor based PID Controller with Dual Digital Indicator.
Air Circulation performed by motorized blower.
Available with galvanized wire mesh shelves OR choice to select SS wire mesh shelves.
Temp. Range : 5° above ambient to 60°C.
Temp. Accuracy : ± 0.5°C

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B.O.D. Incubator (Cooling Incubator)


Double walled having 304 Inner SS Exterior GI Powder Coated finish in REGULAR MODEL.
Interior 304 SS buffed finish and Exterior SS 304 matt finish in all GMP MODEL.
Units are highly insulated by PUFF/Wool between the walls to minimize the heat exchange.
Highly advanced CFC free cooling system includes hermetically sealed compressors.
A full length Inner glass door for observation of test without disturbing temperature equilibrium.
A key lockable insulated door having positive door gasket seals door perfectly.
Mechanical convection system (Motorized Blower) ensures even air distribution within the chamber.
Heating is provided by 'U' type SS air heaters.
Removable SS wiremesh shelves or SS rod type shelves.
Automatic autotuning Microprocessor based PID Temp. Controller with Dual Digital Indicator & PT – 100 sensor.
Electrical safety includes ELCB, Contactor and fuses.

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Colony Counter


This unit is most useful for accurate counting and recording of Bacterial and Colonies.
Usable in all Laboratories- Biology, Pathology, Zoology, Bacteriology etc.
Housing made of MS/GI sheet finished with epoxy powder coated shade in REGULAR MODEL.
Body made of 304 SS matt finish in GMP MODEL.
4 Digit Resetable Digital display to read and record counting.
Illumination provided by cool tube light for clear view and perfect counting through magnifying glass provided.

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Cooling Oven And Lab Refrigerator And Pharma Freezer


Double walled having 304 Inner SS Exterior GI Powder Coated finish in REGULAR MODEL.
Interior 304 SS buffed finish and Exterior SS 304 matt finish in all GMP MODEL.
Units are highly insulated by PUFF/Wool between the walls to minimize the heat exchange.
Highly advanced CFC free cooling system includes hermetically sealed compressors.
A full length Inner glass door for observation of test without disturbing temperature equilibrium.
A key lockable insulated door having positive door gasket seals door perfectly.
Mechanical convection system (Motorized Blower) ensures even air distribution within the chamber.

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Heating Mantle


Aluminium housing – non rusting.
Powder Coated Finish in REGULAR MO1DEL.
Body & Housing of SS 304 in GMP MODEL.
Thick hand knitted fibre glass netting.
High quality insulation.
Energy regulator – power controller.
Maximum surface temperature 350°C.
Booster heaters – in bigger sizes.
Usable with round bottom flask.

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Hot Air Oven And Lod Oven


Triple walled in construction with Inner made of Stainless Steel – 304 & Exterior of GI/MS sheet duly finished in powder coated shade in REGULAR MODEL.
Inner SS 316 or SS 304 Exterior SS 304 Matt/Buff finish in GMP/CGMP Models.
High quality compressed glass wool or cerawool insulation between walls to Prevent heat – loss.
A fully insulated door with sturdy brass – SS hinges with spring ball type latch and gasket for perfect sealing.

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Laminar Air Flow Cabinet

Description / Specification of Laminar Air Flow Cabinet

We are involved in offering a wide range of Laminar Air Flow Cabinet to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Laminar Air Flow Cabinet. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Low Temp. Bath (Regular Gmp Model)


Double walled in construction Inner made of SS 304 & Exterior made of GI sheet duly finished in GI powder coated shade in REGULAR MODEL.
Inner SS 304/SS 316 & Exterior SS 304 Matt/Buff finish in GMP MODEL.
The high grade PUFF insulation provided in between the wall to minimize the heat loss.

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Multi Magnetic Stirrer


Low profile, with maintenance free fully solid state Magnetic Stirrer.
For stirring upto 1000 ml six or twelve vessels simultaneously variable.
Built in soft start and re-start facility with stepless variable speed control.
Centering marks provided for positioning of vessels.
Smooth surface easy to clean.
Operates on 230 volts.

Click to enlarge

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Oil Bath (Circulator) (Regular Gmp Model)


Double walled in construction Inner made of SS 304 and Exterior GI Powder Coated in REGULAR MODEL.
Inner SS 304 & Ext. made of SS 304 Matt/Buff finish in GMP MODEL.

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Stability Chamber And Walk In Stability Chamber


Designed for testing product shelf – life, packing and electronic test.
Specially designed to meet ICH, WHO & USFDA requirements.
Double walled having Inner 304 SS chamber and Exterior finished in Powder Coated Shade in REGULAR MODEL.
Inner SS 304/SS 316 and Exterior SS 304 matt/buff finish in GMP MODEL.

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Ultrasonic Bath


Newly designed ultrasonic cleaner with Solid-State circuitry -12 Minute Timer.
These cleaners function by means of Ultrasonic energy acting through a fluid medium.
Most useful to provide rigorous cleaning of Laboratory glassware and instruments.
Specially for cleaning items with crevices, corners or other inaccessible areas.

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Vacuum Oven (Round Rectangular)


Specially designed heating element that eliminate exposed heaters giving smooth Chamber surface.
The heat tempered full length Inner glass having window allows observation of load.
Radiant warm wall heat guarantees even heat distribution.
Chamber 304 SS with Exterior GI Powder Coated finish in REGULAR MODEL.
Interior 304 Matt/Buff finish & Exterior 304 SS Matt finish in GMP MODEL.

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Viscosity Bath


Double walled in construction with Inner made of SS 304 Matt/Buff finish & Ext. GI Powder Coated Shade in REGULAR MODEL.
Inner made of SS 316/SS 304 & Exterior SS 304 Matt/Buff finish in GMP MODEL.

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Water Bath (Rectangular)


Double walled with Inner SS 304 & Exterior GI Powder Coated Shade in REGULAR MODEL.
Fully argon welded for leak proof durability & elegant in design.

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Cloud And Pour Point Bath (Cooling)


The unit designed to meet the test method of ASTM D-2500-88/D-97.
For use to carry test of any petroleum oil as per test method.
The bath is triple walled in construction with inner chamber made of stainless steel & exterior of G.I sheet duly finished in powder coated shade.
The unit have 4 Compartment for 4 different temperature range in (STANDARD UNIT)

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Dual Chamber


Double walled having 304 Inner SS Exterior GI Powder Coated finish in REGULAR MODEL.
Interior 304 SS buffed finish and Exterior SS 304 Matt finish in all GMP MODEL.
Units are highly insulated by GlassWool between the walls to minimize the heat exchange.
Highly advanced CFC free cooling system includes hermetically sealed compressors in cooling model.

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Flameproof Hot Air Oven


Inner made of heavy guage SS 304 & Exterior made of GI Powder Coated Shade in REGULAR MODEL.
Inner made of heavy guage SS 304 & Exterior SS 304 Matt/Buff finish in GMP MODEL.
The high grade compressed glasswool/cerawool insulation is provided in between the wall to minimize the heat loss.

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Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate


A rugged appliance for bench heating and stirring jobs.
A combination of a magnetically linked stirring system and Hot Plate.
A housing and Hot Plate made of stainless steel
Stirring is performed by teflon coated Magnetic Paddle with solid state speed controller.
Selection of controller Energy regulator or PID Temp. controller.

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Orbital Shaking Incubator


Designed for the growth of biological cultures and the shaking of chemical solutions.
Bench-top controlled temperature incubator with precise dynamically balanced shaking apparatus.
Triple eccentric drive mechanism ensures reproducible, smooth rotating motion in 1" orbit.
Heavy duty, double walled incubation chamber with exterior powder coated finish and fully gasketted lid

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Newly designed for all applications and process requiring excellent radial and perfect temperature uniformity.
Heavy Gauge MS exterior finished in powder coated shade in REGULAR MODEL.

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Wrist Action Shaker


This newly designed controlled wrist action shaker provides constant motion, from gentle shaking to virulent agitation.
M.S./G.I. housing in Regular MODEL and choice for GMP MODEL having housing made of SS 316 / SS 304 Matt finish.

Ageing Oven * Antibiotic Zone Reader * Auto Claves * Autoclave (Fully Automatic) Gmp Model * Autoclave (Single Lever Lock Model) * Automatic Co2 Incubator (Regular Gmp Models) * B. O. D. Incubator (Cooling Incubator) * Bact. Incubator * Bacteriological Incubator * Bacteriologicil Incubator * Barnstead Type Water Still * Bod Incubator * Bunsen Burner * Centrifuge Machine * Circulators Bath * Cloud And Pour Point Bath (Cooling) * Colony Counter * Constant Temperature Bath * Cooling Oven And Lab Refrigerator And Pharma Freezer * Digital Flow Meter * Dissolved Oxygen Meter * Dual Chamber * Flame Photometer * Flameproof Hot Air Oven * Furnace * Furnaces Laboratory * Heating Mantle * Hot Air Oven * Hot Air Oven And Lod Oven * Hot Plates * Human Anatomical Models * Humidity Chambers * Humidity Oven * Incubator * Lab Incubator * Laboratory Apparatus * Laboratory Autoclaves * Laboratory Freezers * Laboratory Furnaces * Laboratory Hot Plates * Laboratory Incubator * Laboratory Instruments * Laboratory Machinery * Laboratory Ovens * Laboratory Scientific Instruments * Laboratory Shakers * Laboratory Stirrer * Laminar Air Flow * Laminar Air Flow Cabinet * Laminar Flow * Leak Test Apparatus * Liquid Flow Meters * Liquid Level Indicator * Low Temp. Bath (Regular Gmp Model) * Low Temperature Bath * Low Temperature Shaking Bath * Magnetic Stirrer * Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate * Manesty Type Water Still * Melting Point Appartus * Muffle Furnace * Multi Magnetic Stirrer * Oil Bath * Oil Bath (Circulator) (Regular Gmp Model) * Orbital Shaker * Orbital Shaking Incubator * Ovens Laboratory * Photostability Chamber * Platform Shaker * Pour Point Apparatus * Pour Point Bath * Rate Meters * Rectangular Hot Plate * Rectangular Vacuum Oven * Rota Mantle * Round Hot Plates * Round Vacuum Oven * Science Laboratory Machinery * Serological Bath * Serological Water Bath * Shaking Bath * Soxhelete Units * Spectrophotometer * Stability Chamber And Walk In Stability Chamber * Surgical Water Bath * U. V. Cabinet * Ultrasonic Bath * Vacuum Oven * Vacuum Oven (Round Rectangular) * Viscocity Bath * Viscosity Bath * Water Bath * Water Bath (Rectangular) * Water Baths * Water Still * Wrist Action Shaker * Laboratory Equipment * Hot Plat * Soxhelete Unit * Vacuum Ovens * Science Laboratory Equipment * Stability Chambers * Walk In Stability Chamber